Monday, December 9, 2013


So this week quite a bit happened I suppose. So after last week being bothered and what not we did what any sensible missionaries did and we went to work. And yep that`s about the result of our efforts so far. But as for the exciting things this week there are a few.
First, Baikingu.(yes this is how they say Viking in Japanese) It`s an all you can eat yakiniku so of course we had far too much teriyaki beef, pork, chicken (mmmm) and loved every morsel of it. I think we had about 3 pounds each, it was delicious, but made biking a little bit more difficult after.

Second, two of the youth in the Kitarokko ward have decided to serve missions and we are so excitied for them! they both really want to serve in America and learn English and it`s so cool to see the opposite side of things. They thanked us for our example and really making them want to serve and right now I sometimes wonder if that was the whole purpose of me being in this area, but I hope there is more for me to do. I`m just glad I could inspire someone all the way over here and to see the effects missionary service can have even immediately.

Third, I got in my transferly bike wreck this week. We were riding down this tiny little country road through the woods downhill with bamboo all around on both sides of the road, when my brakes decide to not work and I quickly bail into the ditch on the side of the road, tuck and roll to little or no damage to me or the bike amazingly. we then walked the bike the 35 minutes back to the apartment to fix the brakes... I miss cars. I am excused from every family bike ride for the rest of my life after these two years. I promise I am careful riding my bike, but yeah, I don`t know if I want to keep up this habit of a bike wreck every transfer.

Fourth, I learned this week that the elect know the voice of the shepherd, and this week while we were housing a large apartment complex about 4 stories up we came across Yamamoto San, who upon hearing we were missionaries said `Morumon san desu ka?` which basically means `is it/are you the mormons?` and had been waiting for the mormon missionaries to visit, she had learned from them when she was very young and had lost contact with them as time went on, she couldn`t come to church because she had no way to get there, but it just goes to show that people are waiting for us, they recognize us as servants of the Lord and will respond to his call through us. Sadly she will probably become the sister`s investigator though...

Fifth, it was weird being in Japan on Pearl Harbor Day.
So Japanese people are very non-confrontational. their houses usually have gates, with a little doorbell on the gate sometimes with a video camera and they don`t want to talk face to face usually, so you end up talking to a box in most your contacts and can people feel the spirit through a box? usually not! and then if they do come outside to talk to you, they will stand on their porch which is usually much higher than where you are and address you from there while you in your low valley addresses the high and mighty Lord of the House on his high mountain.

Also, everything is Cutified. Japanese people love to make things cute or in Japanese `Kawaii!` which you hear far too often. everything is just shrunken, little cute things. I don`t really know how better to explain it but think of everything with a bit of a hello kitty-ness added in to it. They love that stuff.

I hope all is well back at home, the Holidays are hard because it`s cold, and you miss things from home, but either way everything is good. I am really hoping my Japanese picks up a lot soon, but I guess the Lord doesn`t need me to be fluent, he just needs me to do my best. I love and miss all of you! I`m excited to hear about the World Cup Groupings, Japan is looking to have a pretty solid path to the next round, the Yanks will most likely lose to Ghana for the third consecutive world cup, and once again let the nation down. I have been enjoying the advent calendar and the christmas spirit although Christmas here is just simply commercial it seems which saddens me. I am excited to hear from all of you in a few weeks! I swear I haven`t been gone that long! I miss you all and wish you a Merry Christmas!

Jonathan, Elder Pace

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