Monday, December 30, 2013

Deck Za Harrs wis boughs of Horry FA-RA-RA-RA-RA....‏

So this week was crazy and I don`t know where to start. I LOVED TALKING TO YOU ALL ON *CHRISTMAS! (*26th) Probably the fastest hour of my mission yet. This week was great, the ward is so awesome here and I love them so much.

Monday I was not feeling well, everything seemed to just make me disappointed and sad and miss Christmas at home, but I really poured out my heart to heavenly father that day wishing that I could just stop feeling so down. (if this is a surprise to anyone yes there are times on your mission when you hate it, when you feel useless, stupid, worthless, and you want to come home). We had the ward Christmas party where the kids in the ward wrote a play of the Nightmare Before Christmas which I really didn`t understand because I haven`t seen the movie and it was a in Japanese. The ward had a very nice program about Christmas and had various songs, bell ringers, it was a very nice evening and Yoshinaga came too. Then at the ward party we met a very strange fellow from Abeno (in Osaka) he took a bus for 2 hours to come to the ward party and gave all the missionaries bread, and then told us a story about a sister on his mission that had a moustache. Anyway he looked ridiculous! I snapped and had to go the bathroom I was laughing so hard. He had maybe the world`s worst haircut, and had a hat that made him look like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. I can`t adequately describe him but he was soo interesting.

Christmas eve we spent buying and assembling christmas presents to take to all of our investigators and it really did help the lack of Christmas Spirit to be wrapping presents and Shopping for others. That night we went to the Fujikawa Family`s for dinner and their family is so adorable! I really just felt like I was with my own family and it was so nice to be with them. I have started to think of more the Ward here as my family, to think in a grander sense of Family. I say this because as I was praying and wishing I was home and saying how much I miss my family and all, I felt as if Heavenly Father was saying to me, `I miss my family too` That has carried me through this week along with Jacob 4:7 and various other things. I just love everyone!

Christmas day the Ward gave us presents and were so nice to us I just love them so much. We delivered our Christmas presents to our investigators and it was great. Then that night we had a dinner with the Tanaka Family and Yoshinaga and it was great. A different Christmas, but it was cool to be a part of Christmas, to live the meaning of Christmas and not just celebrate it.

Since Christmas not much has happened. Everyone is gearing up for the New Year and so EVERYONE is busy! I am staying here in Kitarokko for next transfer as well along with Elder Wilson. This is hard, but there is a satisfaction that comes from doing the Lord`s work.
I love you all! I want to call again every day, but oh well. I miss all of you and wish you a Happy New Year! 2014? It can`t be. Anyway I love you all!

Jonathan, Elder Pace

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