Monday, November 25, 2013


So I have a lot to say and not a lot of time.
1- Heat Tech. It`s like a Japanese under armour thing and it is basically essential in keeping me warm in this weather.
2- I got hit by a car! not dangerously, but the driver was so horrified that I was hurt and I was truly just fine and I thought it was cool to say I had been hit by a car. Me and my bike were fine, I flew only a few feet and was totally fine clothes and all. But havig done it once it doesn`t need to happen again.
3- Transfers, they are super hectic and not very fun at all. for some it is a chance to see all their buddies in the misison, but I don`t have a whole lot of those so yeah. My carry on wheel broke... so lugging around a 60ish pound bag the whole time from train station to bus stop to the Okayama apartment, back the the bus stop to the train station to the other bus stop to the other train station to the kittarokko apartment was quite the expedition. I envy the missions with cars.
4- Kitarokko. Kitarokko is north of kobe and it means north rokko, rokko is the mountain separating us from kobe and yes, so I am in perhaps the most mountainous region of the misison which means I have quite a fun time biking everywhere... But the ward here is incredible and the bishop knew Uncle Grant!?! How I have no clue!
5- my new companion is elder jordan wilson from oregon and he is good. he studied japanese for 11 years before his mission (cheater) and is pretty skilled for only a fourth transfer missionary. We are pretty different people, he is a `LAX BRO` and I am not one of those people so that probably says enough. He looks like Spencer Randall, Josh Oldroyd, and Zach Rosander all morphed into one being.
6- E.J.  he is our philippino investigator we teach in english, but somehow found on youtube a video of an endowment session someone had taken... and had lots of questions about that... However, he is very interested in the message and seems to be pretty golden and I am glad to have an english investigator.
7- The Primary Program. The Japanese primary program was a little different from the american ones, much more professional and I must say very well done. However the primary is about one fifth the size of ours so that may have something to do with it.
8- I said goodbye to all the Yonago investigators and it was far more sad that I had imagined. You really do learn to love those you serve. I hope I develop that same love here in Kitarokko as well.
So other than that I really am just having a good time and I`m happy, not because I am necessarily having success in the way of baptisms, but in the Lord`s way. I feel like I have found myself here in Japan even though I can`t speak the language I know I am just where the Lord wants me. I really am looking forward to the packages and I hope all of you know how grateful I am for such a wonderful family. The best one in the world. Everyone who isn`t a Pace wishes they were. I will try and celebrate thanksgiving the best I can. I don`t know if I can find Turkey anywhere, but I did find, corn, mashed potatoes and I am trying to make a makeshift apple and chocolate cream pie in our toaster oven. I love and miss you all! I`ll be thinking of you all on thursday and I wish I could be watching home alone and college football with you, but just know I am doing something better.
Jonathan, Elder Pace, ぺース長老

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