Monday, November 18, 2013

(No Subject)

Well this week I transfer to Kitarokko which is in the Kobe Zone and I`m pretty excited but totally scared out of my mind! At least I`m not training! This will be my third companion in three transfers in Japan so we`ll see what challenges and adventures this presents.

This week I had my first dream in Japanese and I don`t remember what was happening really, other than in my dream I was teaching Yamaguchi and he was being difficult (as usual) about not being able to come to church because it`s cold. Anyway apparently I was sleeptalking/sleeptestifying but either way I hope that this is a sign of progression in the language that will come shortly. Let`s cross our fingers! Anyway I will miss Yonago and the good people and all that has happened here. I`m officially done being trained as a missionary and so obviously I know everything there is to know about how to do missionary work in Japan... If only. I really like doing missionary work and I know it`s what the Lord wants me to be doing, but sometimes a little more help could be nice. I know Japanese fluency isn`t what will convert these people, but it sure wouldn`t hurt to have that weapon in my arsenal so to speak.

So this week we lost contact with Miyake, our investigator who has to come to church more before he can be baptized, but he has work on sunday and blah blah... anyway so we went nearly two weeks without contact from him, and then decided to turn our companionship into Elder Holmes and Elder Watson and did some detective work, went to his work, tracked down his bicycle among like the hundred or so that were there (which is no easy task mind you) and left him a sketchy note telling him to meet us at the church. Anyway he saw our number on the note and gave us a call and he is once again ready to be baptized if he could just come to church! Also, he is a very studious person and searches all over the internet and everywhere to find information about the church and developed a big problem regarding the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Now some people may think of that as an obstacle, but to me it was evidence that I, Elder Jonathan Pace, have a part to play in this work. I can`t speak Japanese very well, but I could explain to him from my own research (which I had to do on P-Day and is a boring use of P-Day time) and knowledge of Church History and I was able to resolve his concern about one of the darkest chapters of church history. I know it probably doesn`t sound like much, but I have a strong feeling that this was something that I was meant to do to help Miyake come unto Christ. Now if only he would literally come to church! 

I find I get discouraged and let down sometimes by my missing my own expectations and impatience. This morning I was expressing frustration on how few members of the church there are and how I wish the pace at which the work was moving forward was as much of a testimony builder as seeing the progress of individuals. I feel like I say a lot of things and I express my thoughts, doubts, etc. more than most people. Obviously I have faith and my resolve is strong enough in that faith that it isn`t shaken, but sometimes I feel like I have more doubts out here than I did before. I have turned to my patriarchal blessing a lot lately and just wondering how I can be who I`m told I can be. I am growing stronger everyday, and I`m grateful for the opportunity I have to serve these people and bring them the joy that only the gospel can bring. But I am sure I feel as many people often feel, that a little more divine help would be quite beneficial. I was thinking a lot about why I want to be great, what drives me to improve, and I still can`t quite put a finger on it exactly, but I just have this inner ambition to achieve greatness. And sometimes I think because of that, I will never reach my desired destination of perfection. I don`t think I am alone in feeling this way, but I know I`m not alone along the way.

I really love hearing from everyone! I wish I could read all the emails during the week and then accordingly respond to everyone that writes me, but alas I don`t ever have the time. P-Day would be so great if you didn`t have all the things you have to do on P-Day. I am learning and progressing a lot, but I also have a lot of struggles, many of which I bring upon myself. I appreciate all the support and the love from everyone! Mom I would give you my street address but it`s all in Kanji so 1) I can`t read it and/or type it. and 2) there are like no street signs in Japan. there are for like the major roads, but there are a million little alleyway roads that are crazy tiny and super hard to navigate! Also Rebecca, many of the `yards` here are like giant zen gardens and you would really like the style of them. I`m going to miss Yonago and being in a (yon-nin) 四人 (four people) though. All of you are probably reading this thinking `man he takes himself way to seriously` maybe true. Anyhow things are good, I`m happy and enjoying missionary life, taking on Japanese one word at a time, and trying to take in the experience that I have in front of me. I love and miss you all! Hope all is well! I love hearing from you!
Jonathan, Elder Pace ペース長老

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