Monday, February 3, 2014

Where's that Bonding Strip?!?

This week was hard. EJ had a unfortunate happening and is no longer in Japan, and therefore not getting baptized anytime soon. None of our investigators came to stake conference because going to kobe takes too much time, and it just wasn`t a great week over all. Also today is elder wilsons birthday which is great and all but he took forever to email and wanted to buy himself birthday presents so my time is quite short today.
So EJ apparently was going to show his english class (he taught english at the middle school near our church) a video to learn english and accidently showed them the wrong video with what from what the ward members tell us they read in the newspaper had some pornographic content, and he has since lost his job and as far as we know has been deported to the philippines and so we are pretty upset about that. (and no we hadn`t taught him the law of chastity yet.) But it will all work out in the end. He had a testimony of the book of mormon and we hope he can meet with the missionaries again and turn to god in this time of trial.
Dad I liked your comment `those who were going English speaking would come home scriptorians, and that those who were speaking romance languages would come home fluent, and that those who were speaking Asian languages would come home humbled.` I asked my trainer who was on his second to last transfer at what time I would most likely start thinking in Japanese, and he told me never. But I am going to prove him wrong. But yes, you can become competant in Japanese as a missionary, but likely not truly fluent.
Mom I`m glad you liked my letter! I was kind of reluctant to write it, but as soon as I did I stopped having to play the piano in priesthood haha!
We had a nice experience of meeting Nakamae San this week who let us into his house immediately to hear our message, we rejected his typical offering to give us tea, and then also coffee, he was confused and seemed like as he continues to meet is willing and open enough for the spirit to enter his heart and build his faith. It`s the first time in my whole mission anyone has actually let us in to listen to us the first time we meet them.
It has been unusually warm here for february and i am not complaining one bit! Life is good here. I`m getting bugged with Elder Wilson and I kind of secretly want to train next transfer, but then again not really. I really am so glad to be a missionary and I love Japan! I bought a bunch of new pens for Christmas, they have a special ink that is erasable, but then also turns invisible if heated up enough and then if cooled down re-appears. I also bought myself a Japanese National Team soccer jersey to support my boys The Samurai Blue in Brazil this summer! Merry Christmas to me! I know myself so well don`t I? I hope to hear from you all soon. Andrew don`t let her feminine ways hide the fact that she played for murray max... Just reminding you haha I love you all and hope to hear from you soon!
Jonathan, Elder Pace

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