Monday, February 10, 2014

I make the weather!

So I used to make a list throughout the week of things to write home about in my letters/emails, but I have realized that since coming to Japan and actually doing things here that there is far to much that goes on to possibly include all of it in any letter or email even though I wish I could.
I will be here in Kitarokko for a third transfer with Elder Duren who entered the MTC the same day as me. I only remember him being mysteriously caped in a blanket and wandering the halls of the MTC at night so it will be an interesting transfer. I`m just glad I`m staying. I feel like when missionaries are really serving The Lord and not just serving time they will never want to transfer or leave those they have worked so hard to help, or thus has been my experience so far.
So I have been working really hard lately on giving ALL my heart, might, mind and strength to the work and everything goes better when I do. It isn`t directly related to success, or numbers, or anything that on paper really, but it just brings a sense of satisfaction knowing that The Lord is pleased with my service. And in turn, I am pleased as well.
People in Japan seem to not care about the Olympics at all that I have noticed. (They only care about the 2020 Olympics because they`re in Japan) It`s probably because the USA wins everything that the Olympics are so huge in the states. The Olympics are in Russia right?
I wish there were more exciting things to say. I meet soo many interesting people out here. We aren`t teaching as much as we would like. we averaged about 2 lessons a week this last transfer and in case anyone doesn`t already know, yes, this is extremely frustrating at times.
Oh by the way to answer Mom`s question, San is a title in Japanese like Mr. Mrs. Ms., etc.  so I would be Pace San, in fact our whole family would be Pace San. (All the Adults at least) There is also Sama which is honoriffic of San. And then for kids they usually use the first name and Chan for girls (and some boys) and Kun for boys. So each of you can have fun figuring out what people would refer to you as in Japanese!
On that same note, if you have any questions about Japan, the culture, language, etc. ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE! I would love to share more of my experiences and let you guys feel more involved but I don`t always know what to share so by all means, ask me more questions!
We did have a super cool lesson with Yoshinaga this week. After EJ disappeared we were kind of bummed out because nobody else was really progressing as well as we wished. We prepared really well for our lesson with Yoshinaga, object lessons, examples, personal experiences, and it all payed off. He was so impressed that we would take the effort just for him and he really felt the spirit and our savior`s love for him and is preparing to get baptized on march 23rd! I just really think it`s so easy to just teach subject matter, but really the ultimate work of this gospel is LOVE. If we really love these people, we will do anything for them. The very first topic in PMG of the lessons is God is our LOVING Heavenly Father. which in Japanese is (god is our Heavenly Father who is overflowing with love) I Love this work and I love these people! They truly are my brothers and sisters and I wish I could help all of them the way my family and brothers and sisters have helped me!
I LOVE you all! Have a great week! I`m so excited to be here and do God`s will for me in this day. You`re the greatest!
Jonathan, Elder Pace

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