Monday, February 24, 2014

Do you remember . . . THUNDERHEAD?!?

Anyway I am in a remarkably good mood today because I don`t know why. This week we had just as much frustration as any other but oh well. I have realized that the more I put into this work, the more rewarding it is, and also the more frustrating it is when all of your investigators flake on you and nobody that you invited to church actually shows up... (that didn`t happen yesterday.....)
But basically I have hit a turning point on my mission. I can no longer look up to a senior companion to answer Tanaka San`s question I didn`t understand, or to take the lead on where to go, what to say, etc. etc. I really have never had this much freedom, but also this much responsibility. It`s an interesting task to try and tackle as little insignificant me, but I just put my trust in the Lord, and `thrust in my sickle` with all my heart might mind and strength and everything works out in the end even if it doesn`t mean baptisms.
In the Kitarokko Ward Okada Shunki and his friend Tsubasa who are going on missions soon have wanted to go on splits with us to get in some good mission prep. (why did I never do anything like that? I was too busy doing who knows what.) But it was a very interesting experience to me because for so long I had felt like if only I were better at Japanese that I could see more success, which I knew wasn`t really true, but as I was on splits with Shunki I was able to see that just plain old sharing the gospel is in fact a scary thing to many people! It was just an eye opening experience to me is all.
So this week seemed so good, we had met lots of people who seemed interested, Yazaki is reading the Book of Mormon, everything was heading in a good direction when NOPE! saturday both of our appointments fell through (which wouldn`t be a big deal if we had lots of appointments but when you only have 3 all week...) and then all 7 of the people that we had personally delivered invitations to come to church and who said they would be there, didn`t come. But I am basically realizing how important it is to be patient and just to continue with faith and diligence even when things are not going well. All things will work together for the good of us, and those we meet.
Elder Duren loves cats and he also loves the mission slideshow dvd which he watches every single night without fail. He is very happy and there are various things I have learned from him and I really feel like there are reasons for our companionship. He now says excuse me when he burps and he changes his clothes everyday so things are going well for him. But along with all of this he has a very strong desire to serve and a very big heart, which are more important than how someone dresses by a long shot.
I hope everyone is doing well! Mom I really appreciated your remarks in your email. We housed into a man this week whose wife had passed away and I got thinking about how sometimes we forget and take for granted our greatest treasures. I don`t know what it would be like to live without any of you and I am so glad that families can be together forever. When we shared that with this man his whole countenance changed and it was amazing to see the hope of the gospel flow into his heart. I am so grateful to be here on a mission. I was feeling frustrated one night this week while we were housing and thought, maybe these people don`t see how much I want to share this with them, and so you may laugh, but I literally RAN from door to door for the next 2 hours sharing the gospel. It was maybe a little silly, but this really is that important. I love this gospel, I love each of you, I`m praying for you, and I hope you have a fantastic week!
Jonathan, ペース長老

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