Monday, October 28, 2013


Okay so this week has been full of rain, rain, frustration, disappointment, and more rain. I really just am doing fine and all my `whining` is just the dullness of life which will always exist. This week was wet every single day. It is getting colder here but we haven`t seen any snow yet. But the thing I am worried about is when it is cold, and wet. The day is not far off. And I will freeze indefinitely.

Miyake was supposed to be baptized this week but he has a hard situation with his job and church and so we have to move his baptismal date back until he can come to church 2 more times. In Japan people have crazy work hours! Honda Kazuya (my first baptism) had work everyday but sunday from 8 AM until 8 PM or something close to that. People in Japan are such hard workers and almost to the point where they become robotic. Also tonight Sekiguchi and George Chourou are going to Kobe for Mission Leadership Conference which means Kemp Chourou and I have two lessons to teach  on our own two 2nd transfer missionaries who can`t speak Japanese... Well that will be interesting. I really wish I could get emails everyday like letters and just respond once a week, that way I wouldn`t have to spend all my time on P-Day reading everyone`s emails and I could better respond. As much as letters are slow and inconvinient, I LOVE GETTING LETTERS. So please either continue to write me, or begin to write me hahaha. I am trying to convince the other Missionaries in Yonago to let me teach `Big Pumpkin` at our English Class on Halloween. I am like the only person excited for Halloween and it`s great. I am determined to celebrate every holiday. So I know people are probably wondering if I have lots of cool Japanese Maple leaves and if it`s just super beautiful here in the Fall. From what I hear, that is mostly in Kyoto, but maybe I will get to be there next year this time. But for now I love Yonago. (It literally means Rice Child) but it`s not the coolest place, but the people here are amazing.
I love our English Class Students. (We give all of our English Class students American names and it`s really fun!)

  • Nancy, she was Baptized in July and is a sweet little quiet lady and suffered a stroke a few years back and has clearly slowed down. 
  • Rick, (Yasui Kyoudai) he is one of our investigators and is a guardman for his job. He loves american things and always wears a shirt that either says California in big letters, or something to that same extent. He looks like he is a man who never grew out of the 70s 80s and occasionally wear the shorts of that decade. to complete the ensemble he usually has some sort of sparkly sunglasses which usually look very feminine. He is so funny, He loves music and so he has lots of interesting english words he has picked up from his music listening which are fun to explain...
  • Tony, He is awesome and hilarious, he is a big Philadelphia Eagles fan and so he will talk to us about the NFL sometimes randomly and he HATES the New England Patriots like I hate Manchester United. (I contacted into a high school age kid and talked to him about soccer because he was going home from practice, he told me he was a Manchester United fan and I told him we couldn`t be friends anymore-somewhat jokingly) 
  • Luke, He has only been coming for a week or so (Honda Kazuya) and his english isn`t there but he had fun.
  • Joe, the class clown who is the member running English Class. He is very funny and always tries to make jokes in English that just don`t really work and are awkward.
  • Elvis, He is older, and has impossible to understand Japanese and from what I can understand he`s usually talking about space or something with America and Russia and World peace or something. He always cries when we sing, and his favorite word is FIGHT, I don`t know why.
  • Matt, is Tony`s son. He`s a priest in the ward and one of the coolest kids I have met in Japan.
  • Ken, Looks like Ghandi and is always super concerned about my happiness and the pronunciation of the words, he is so funny and I am his favorite teacher.
  • Stacey, she speaks this jibberish that isn`t even Japanese and then she is always laughing to herself and none of us know what about, but she also will drop anything to be a member at our lessons and is super great as a member misisonary.
Oh man there is so much I want to say but I never have time.
WE GOT THE ROCK! (Well that`s nothing new, but hey!) 
I miss sports. As Andrew put it yeah sports are fun and all but it`s the gospel that saves us. The whole thing with twitter and the student section just brought back so many memories of high school sports. Hail Olympus!

I`ve completed 1/6th of my mission. That is weird. 5 more of those and I`ll be home. Sad. It`s interesting because you always think of going on a mission as a someday thing when you`re growing up, and then when it becomes a TODAY thing it messes with your mind.
Well I love and miss you all! I hope everything is well at home! I love you!

Jonathan, Elder Pace

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