Monday, October 14, 2013


Okay so transfers happened, and so far neither my companion nor I have killed each other. I am learning A LOT of Japanese, or rather I`m getting better at what I already know. He grew up about 20 minutes from Disney Tokyo (which isn`t actually in Tokyo!) and we`ve talked about that. We`re both the organized type and we get along pretty well so far. Conference was great! send me a english and a japanese Ensign when you get the chance! I loved the Halloween package mom! I`m trying to figure out how we`ll make sugar cookies in our lack of oven (toaster oven) so we`ll see how that goes. Next package you send it would be cool if you could compile a bunch of letters for me! That would be awesome! 

So Conference was Amazing!!! it never ceases to amaze me when these elderly men who some of which have trouble to walk, or get up while skiing, deliver these messages directly from God himself. Elder Oaks, Holland and Uchtdorf`s talks really struck me and pierced my soul it seemed. I have been reading a conference talk every day for a while and it has really blessed me. Oh I wish I could watch it again and again.
The night of conference we had the elders from Matsue and Kurayoshi staying at our apartment so we had eight elders in one apartment. It was fun until we had to clean up today. I missed our family so much during conference. Priesthood meeting especially! William I wish I could`ve been there with you! I hope conference was as powerful to all of you as it was to me.

I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat or however the quote goes, but If looked at that way I now have nothing left to give. I got in a bit of a bike accident and it tore a large chunk of skin off my right hand and it isn`t the most pleasant thing but it could have been much worse so I`m very grateful. The members were very kind and bandaged me up when I arrived to the saturday session and they acted as if I was dying when really I just had a hand with substantially missing skin and a fairly gruesome amount of road rash and blood. sadly I didn`t take a picture sorry. It did look pretty nasty.

I`ve developed a problem with feeling lonely lately not because I am literally alone, but just because I feel like sometimes as long as nothing terrible happens, that people aren`t overly concerned with my well being and just me in general. From this I have learned to turn outward and be concerned about others. In turn, you will get the desired care and attention you wanted in the first place. basically the golden rule, but it`s true. It is true in all things. If you are lonely, reach out. If you are shy, approach people, etc. We don`t solve our problems by hiding or running from them. You just have to go through it as Mom would likely say. Well I have so much to say and so little time, I always wish I could share more with you! It`s pretty crazy how much happens when you are busy ALL THE TIME! but it`s good, I`m progressing a lot. I`m still me, just a wiser me. And I also really like stickers now and I have to be careful so I don`t waste my money on all the cool things that Japan has to offer! I`m starting into some origami so we`ll see how that goes... 

Mom, Congrats on the `Mom of the Year` award. Dad, I`m still waiting for that letter. Andrew, I almost bought a Japan National Team jersey, but they didn`t have my size, I`ll find it eventually. Abby, Eat some good pasta and convert a catholic. Rebecca, I wish I could respond to all the emails and letters you send me more, I`m working on it. (She`s the best at writing me btw.) Eliza, don`t get destroyed by the Musical(s) William, you wouldn`t be so fast if I didn`t beat on you. Caroline, I see some cool frogs everyday by my apartment. We named one Yoshi the other day.

Jonathan, Elder Pace

P.S. To all of you who said you would write me all the time and haven`t... do so.

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