Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Yellow Fever"

Hello Family and Everyone,
So this week was more of the same here at the MTC. It gets difficult to motivate yourself when you feel like the amount of progress you're making is so minimal, but alas... I only have two weeks before I leave to Japan! So basically if anyone wanted to write me, do it while postage is cheap hahaha! Really though I am so excited though even though I don't know near enough Japanese to manage, thank heaven for senior companions!
So it was nice to know from Rebecca's dearelder that my family is still the same bunch of goons as when I left. Caroline you still haven't written me a letter! William I do not have your iPod! And I hear you lost mine as well... You've got a week to find it before I'm going to need it unless you want to pay to ship it to Japan. Eliza I want to write you a letter soon about high school and I hope I have time. I am so excited for you! You are beginning one of the most exciting chapters of your life! It seems like just yesterday I had to miss sophomore orientation when Andrew got home from his mission and I was getting to know those mysterious Evergreen kids. I miss those times I really do! Rebecca I don't know your Japanese teaching friend. my two senseis are Ben Taylor and McKay Anderson who are both amazing. I fully support any of my sisters who wishes to marry Ben or Jason Taylor! Also Rebecca Sarah P. left a couple weeks ago I think. She got reassigned to Tempe AZ I believe. Andrew, don't settle for less in Chicago and be sure to let me know your address when you get there. Mom, I got your package and the donuts were delicious. Dad, I never got around to writing you about your career move but I was going to say I support you in making the switch which is what you did anyway so thank you for listening to my sage advice on the subject.
My biggest challenge with the MTC isn't Japanese, it isn't teaching "investigators" of volunteers at the TRC, but really it is motivation. I know I'll struggle with this my whole misison, but really it's hard when I know that our "investigators" are really just our senseis, or things like that. I just hope that things change when I get to Japan and things become "real". I just want to get to the point where I feel like I'm really on my misison and that I'm not just at the MTC Japanese learning summer camp thingy. I find that the only true motivation comes from within, and I'm trying hard to be able to be motivated to do the work the Lord has for me to do.
Rebecca, you know how you claim you have synesthesia? or whatever that color association thing is? well I really think I might have it. I have begun to associate people, objects, feelings and most things with colors. Mabye it's a real thing, or maybe I'm just having fun with all the colorful pens I have. My district mocks me when I have about 15 or so pens in my backpack/shoulderbag thingy to which I tell them that they're just jealous becuase they are.
So about my iPod, I'm allowed my iPod touch on my mission, but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed any excess apps on it. However, I have heard that President Zinke is not strict on music and that basically as long as it's clean and I find it uplifting I'm allowed to listen to it. I'll try and compile a list of specific music I would like along with the MoTab and other great churchy music. I trust you are capable of doing that for me!

 Okay so the most interesting experience of this week was when I went to get my immunizations. So I had to get my second Hep A shot, so I go to the immunizations office and they take me back and they give me my shot. This is hard with me becuase there isn't much arm for them to put the needle in. So right after I get my band aid on and I'm feeling pretty good about things, they realize they gave me THE WRONG VACCINATION I don't know how this happened, but they somehow switched things up and gave me the Yellow Fever vaccine.  (yellow fever is the term used to describe the strange attraction white missionaries serving in asia get toward the asian women.)

 After they told me what had happened I just about died laughing! Family I am now IMMUNE to asian women! So mom and dad if you had any worries that me going to Japan would lead to some asian grandchildren you can throw them away right now.
Speaking of which I am pretty sure our insurance should cover the shot so I have a reimburement form that I will send home before I leave. Also, is there a way for me to check the balance on my debit card? I mean I can just use the ATM but is there an easier way? I don't know. also I get these weird spots on the pockets of my white shirts from where like my planner rubs against the pocket and they DO NOT DISAPPEAR! I can't get them out of the dumb shirt even with the bleach and everything else I don't even know what the stain is!?!
Also when the last batch of Japanese speaking missionaries left I picked up a set of snazzy chopsticks which I now attempt to eat with in the cafeteria. Upon which I receive several a strange glance from some English speaking elders who think that 2 weeks in the MTC is just soooo looonggg... whiners. I also got a Japanese illustrated book of mormon stories which is pretty cool. I'll probably send that to you pretty soon as well.
I should get my travel plans within the next week so that is exciting! I'll let you know what they are. Judging by the last two groups to leave to Japan, odds are I will be leaving in like the middle of the night so if everyone wants to stay up and have me call I am more than happy to do that! I love and miss you all! I pray for you always!
Jonathan, Elder Pace

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