Saturday, August 17, 2013

Make Yourself a Dang Quesadilla!

Exciting news from me this week... I GOT MY TRAVEL PLANS! I report to the MTC travel office at 4:30 AM on Tuesday the 27th, then we go to the airport from where we fly to Seattle at 8:35, and then we make the long flight to Osaka, from which I'm assuming we take a train to the mission home in Kobe! Now travel plans may not seem that exciting, but when you've been here for 8 weeks, travel plans are exciting mostly because it means that we're actually finally leaving the MTC haha. 

This week was a lot like the other weeks probably because I've had the exact same schedule here since week two here. However there were a few highlights from this week.

I ran into Elder Stephen Pinnock this week who promptly gave me a hug, flipped the name tag on my suit upside down and then shook my hand and said, "You're upside down..." (What's Up Doc reference for anyone who hasn't seen that movie)

Sunday I was able to bless the sacrament in Japanese which was a cool experience! It is interesting to see the difference in meaning and emphasis on things in the scriptures through the translation and such. Sorensen Choro and I were both shaking at the sacrament table we were so nervous haha.
THIS JUST IN - Elder Mak still smells awful!

Because of Sorensen Choro's ADHD, our branch presidency has prescribed him a tutor which he (we) have to meet with once every other day or so. She is this cheerful old lady and all she really does with him is teach him how to read the scriptures/PMG more effectively, and retain the things he has read. I sometimes will listen in and pick up an interesting study technique or different idea or perspective on the scriptures, but most the time I just read the Book of Mormon or study Japanese during these "lessons" They seem to be helping him though because he now seems more confident in his knowledge of both the gospel and Japanese.

This week we also discovered the "secret" to the MTC cafeteria, quesadillas! You get them at the wrap bar and heat them in the microwave at the back. HAHA WE FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET DECENT FOOD!!! after 8 weeks of the same old food it's just good to eat something different, but I'm sure I'll miss american style food when I'm eating rice every single day/meal and octopus, squid and other kinds of fish constantly. All my senseis said they either maintained their weight or lost weight while in Japan so it looks like I may be a lurp forever...

Elder Richard G. Scott spoke at the Tuesday devotional this week and it was amazing! He spoke on prayer and how incredible it is that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father at any time, in any place. I really don't know what I would do without prayer. Sometimes it is my only source of strength. When I have nothing to rely on and no one to turn to, I always have my Heavenly Father to turn to.
I am not having an easy time on the mission right now. It's not because the work or the language is just too hard (well the language is) but I just am having such a hard time with the emotional distress it brings me. I am having a hard time being away from the people I love and care about. (BTW if you are receiving this email you are one of those people) I know I am where I am supposed to be, but then why is it hard in such a way? I know that the Lord's promises he will keep, but eternal promises don't really make me happy right now. Couldn't I just have an immediate promise from the Lord? I don't want to worry about things at home or in Chicago (Andrew when do you go?), but I do. And the only thing that quiets those concerns is receiving updates and affirmation that all is well. I just want everything to be perfect if you can imagine that, and when the possibility of that is shaken or tested I begin to be extremely anxious about everything. I know, imagine me, anxious about something... at least that hasn't changed.
So people at home aren't anxious about me and how I'm doing, here is how I am.  I am struggling with living up to the expectations I set for myself, however, I am happy and I am well. Peter (Aldeste?) Lambson sent me an email this week saying that if you aren't happy, you're doing something wrong. (with regards to missionary work) I have seen this to be true in my own mission and in my life as well. The talk by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin entitled "Come What May, and Love It" helped me a lot this week. It talks about the ways to deal with trials and sorrows in our own lives and I would encourage everyone to read it. (maybe go over it in FHE or something) I find it odd that our church does not emphasize more fully the studying of modern revalation by our latter-day prophets. I have found amazing amounts of comfort, motivation, and knowledge from numerous conference talks while here at the MTC. I love this gospel and I need to share it. We were able to skype with members in Japan this Wednesday and it was incredible! We taught Ikeda San, and her daughter, and we shared with them our experiences with prayer and how it had strengthened our faith. I told them about the time when we were camping and Jake Segura got lost in the Uintahs and how we all prayed for him, and everything that we asked for in our prayers was answered. And they actually understood my Japanese!!! The Japanese people are just so happy and full of light and joy. I'm sure many of you would love it if I were to return home the same way haha!

I hope you all are wonderful and are excited for school! That's so weird that school is starting again already it feels like I just barely graduated! I love and miss each and every one of you! I pray for you always and if there is anything you want to send me before I go to Japan, it's now or never! Letters are always wonderful even though I can't always reply to everyone immediately! Caroline I'm still waiting to hear from you!! I love you!

Jonathan, Elder Pace

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