Monday, March 17, 2014

HEY! is that COCA-COLA?!?!?

Yes the Japanese members believe (for the most part) believe that caffeine is strictly against the word of wisdom and we found that out at eikaiwa this week when we walked in with a bottle of Coca Cola each Duren Choro and I, and Tetsuya Kayama (the mentally handicapped kid in the ward who isn`t really a kid he`s 26 and I can tell you about him in a later email I suppose) shouts at us, HEY, IS THAT COCACOLA?! SORE WA DAME DA YO!!! and could not focus for the rest of eikaiwa. Basically I am not a big advocate for caffeine either, but it does bring back a sense of American-ness so that is nice sometimes.So I always get to p-day and realize that I have forgotten everything that happened in the last week even though it seems like P-day was just yesterday. I don`t get how that works.We finally met with Yoshinaga again this week who hasn`t kept ANY commitments shame on him. And always talks to us about how he wants the spirit to guide him and yet he does NOTHING to invite the spirit into his life whatsoever! I have taught him 4 lessons about the spririt and nothing ever sticks! GRRR. Also he tells us he is going to move in May...

So I realized this week that if I don`t take time NOW to be well, I will surely take time LATER to be ill. I found that out as I was staying up way too late to study Japanese and getting up early to get extra revelatory study without the distraction of Dragonball Z Duren Choro and it finally caught up to me and I was then confined to the apartment for 2 days with illness most likely caused by fatigue. I even wore a little asian sick mask because I wanted to feel Japanese. I realized that they are quite comforting, but it doesn`t work with glasses because my face isn`t as flat as the Nihonjin`s are.

We were out and about the next day going housing and lately I have found more and more that you are guided more by the spirit when you are DOING THINGS, rather than just SITTING, WAITING for guidance. We were out housing and I figured we would go visit a potential investigator from 2006. I don`t really know why but we were close so we figured why not. Turns out that the Mother was the potential investigator from the past and the daughter is very open and it was the same situation as with Suzuki san a few weeks ago and basically the moral of the story is kind of `The Lord doesn`t steer a parked car`YAY LIVERPOOL IS DOING WELL! I knew my serving the Lord would bring Blessings! 笑Well I want to have more to say, I did `get mad at` Elder Duren for being lazy and making me do everything and he didn`t like that very much.

I feel like I should have more to say... sorry. Love you all!ペース長老

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