Monday, September 2, 2013

Konnichiwa Kobe!

Okay, so this last week or so has been pretty insane. So first off it was wonderful to call all of you at the airport! I would`ve been more exciting and full of life if I hadn`t been scared out of my mind to go to Japan! But really it was great to hear from all of you! You all seem to be doing absolutely great! So here is what happened since I left off with ya`ll.

So from Salt Lake we flew to Seattle, had a bit of a layover during which I had my last American Hamburger, I called rebecca and talked to her and then flew the 11-12 hours to Osaka. On the flight I mostly slept, and tried to study what Japanese I could. I would`ve tried to convert someone, or speak Japanese, but just my luck I sit next to a man from Minnesota... lame.... he didn`t even want to hear about the gospel the bum. 

Anyway so then we arrived in Osaka, went through customs where everyone looked at us weird because we were 33 americans wearing suits and nametags, none of which spoke Japanese... Anyhow then we met Pres. and Sisiter Zinke, (Zing-key) and then we rode the hour long bus to the mission home in Kobe. There we did a little training about mission specifics until friday afternoon when we were assigned our trainers and off we went. oh friday morning we went on a short hike up aways and looked out over all of Osaka bay which was pretty cool. Kobe is very hilly and Japan is a volcanic island which means the middle of the islands is very mountainous. The clouds roll over the mountains like San Francisco fog and it looks all mystical as if it was something out of a movie it`s really cool to look at. 

Anyway my first area is 米子 (yonago) and my companion is Elder Baker. He is on his fifteenth transfer and is about 6`7`` and has red hair. He is very good and kind and helpful to a useless new companion like me. He reminds me of Ichabod Crane from the Disney legend of sleepy hollow video and it`s pretty funny. He really is great to be so patient with me. I am in a 4人 which is two companionships in the same apartment, like in the best two years. The other two elders are Elder George, and Elder Kemp who was in my MTC district. we both have half of the area of Yonago and it`s fun to be able to report and share stories with each other.

Friday night we taught our first lesson to 藤本きょだい and I invited him to be baptized on 9-27 and he accepted! In Japanese too! The next day we taught 梶山きょだい and he is now a progressing investigator. I am trying to give myself as much of a part in the lessons as possible even though it`s not much just so I can speak as much as possible. Saturday night we had dinner at a members home who I don`t even know their name. And in Japan they love to drink tea, but as members to keep the word of wisdom they only have herbal tea. anyhow there is a kind of wheat tea type thing they call Mugicha, and it is served either hot or at about room temperature. well anyway they had it at the dinner and it tastes like someone doused their cigarettes in your water. It is pretty nasty. But the family is very nice and the rest of the food was good. 
Sunday I went to my first sacrament meeting. The whole ward had to come meet me and I had to tell them that I have only been in Japan for 4 days and I can`t speak or understand very well, but they didn`t care! The members LOVE the missionaries, and their children are very entertaining during sacrament meeting. during the meeting, I introduced myself and bore my testimony in Japanese to the ward and they thought I was good at Japanese?!?!? biggest lie I had ever heard! 
after sacrament meeting we taught 本田 きょだい the word of wisdom and the law of chastity and he commited to keep both and he will be baptized on the 15th! 

I honestly don`t know what to say about the mission, sometimes it`s great and sometimes I just wish I was home. I feel like as my Japanese gets better I`ll like it more, but I don`t know. For now I have Elder Baker to help me but I just don`t like feeling useless! I really am a smart person I promise! I just can`t talk to anyone longer than 3 seconds. I know I`ll get better but I just don`t like it. Why couldn`t I have been called to Macon, Georgia? I`d be a great missionary there from day 1 as opposed to day 250 here. I don`t know it`s just frustrating. I mean I love Japan and I love the people and all, it`s just hard. anyway I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week!

Jonathan, Elder Pace

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