Sunday, July 21, 2013

KUIARATAMENASAI (command form of to repent - very impolite in 日本語)‏

私の家族 (my family) and others that may read this.

As you can see I have now discovered how to use the Japanese keyboard, hooray! Anyway this week has been the shortest yet. Then I realize that I haven't even been out a month yet and it feels like I have been here for seven years! alas... I had this great list of things to write to you about but I left it in my room when we went to email so anything I don't get to now I will get to next week.

So the Provo temple is closed until August 12th or something like that which is cool because it gives us WAY more time on P-Day to do whatever we want a.k.a. sleep, write, study, etc. But also bad becuase I have much more time to think about things like what I may be missing, what is going on without me, blah blah blah...  I miss home and everything, but at the same time I don't want to be anywhere else. When I get bugged about being homesick or missing someone, it's not like I want to go home, just I want that person to come visit me or something like that.

Apparently they changed the missionary dress code, but they have somehow not managed to tell anyone in the MTC about it?!?! Because all the new elders that came in this week all have khaki pants! No fair, I want some khaki pants! hahaha but other changes include the banning of backpacks. We are allowed like a satchel (sp?) or a shoulder bag, but they claim backpacks make us look unproffesional like tourists or students. But at the same time breifcases are too intimidating, but man purses aren't weird at all.....

So 日本語 is actually really hard. Anyone who thinks otherwise can answer to me! They conjugate their adjectives!?! what kind of whacky language does that?! for example, fun = tanoshii, not fun = tanoshikunai, was fun = tanoshikatta, and was not fun = tanoshikunakatta. And to make it so much better it's written like this: たのしい たのしくない たのしかった たのしくなかった not simple at all! Also everything in 日本語 is super polite! Instead of just asking someone "will you pray?" you have to literally say, "may I humbly receive of you praying?" I have SOO much 日本語 to learn and only 4-ish weeks till I'm there! Everyone pray for me!

Here are some things to not do while at the MTC (Or ever on your mission)
1- the stupid hunger games whistle (that movie wasn't even good!)
2- put your namebadge on your tie (either magnetically or sideways witht the pocket badge)
3- attempt to be a hipster in any way shape or form (rolling up pantlegs, shortsleeve shirts, wearing vests or suspenders, etc.) We are supposed to look united in a great cause, not drawing attention to ourselves. Style is fine, but we have rules about how to dress for a reason.

Every devotional, before they even start they have like 50 ´´prelude hymns`` which at first was really annoying, and I think the main reason they do it is just to keep people quiet before the devotional starts, but I have found that usually there is some profound message in these hymns that I have heard a million times before that really stands out to me and is just what I needed to hear. I have started doing this thing since getting here where I do not take notes based on what the speaker may say, but what the spirit manifests unto me. I have been keeping a special book just for those messages from the spirit to me. I have dubbed them ´´the small plates of jonathan pace`` and the book is only for spiritual experiences, impulses, etc. I encourage everyone to do something similar. Then every night before bed I read the most recent page I have written to reflect upon the experiences I have had over the last day-week.

Also this week we did an exercise on being inspired by the spirit in which we were paired up with another misisonary in our district and were to only share what the spirit prompted us to. It was initially very quiet, but then I felt that I should flip to D&C 4 and share a scripture with Elder Young, which in the process, I turned right to D&C 6:36 which reads ´´Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not`` I didn´t think much of it and simply shared with him that Jesus Christ´s atonement is infinite and while it  covers all our sins, it also covers our worries, guilt, frustrations, pains, and sorrows. That if we will cast our burdens upon the Lord whether they be a pebble in our shoe, or a crushing weight upon our back, Jesus Christ knows what we have been through and through relying on his atonement, our burdens no matter the size, may be lifted from us. The scripture and message clearly touched him, and after the exercise was over he asked me how I knew to share that scripture with him. To which I simply responded, I didn´t know that scripture existed, but the spirit knew, and directed me not for my sake, but for Elder Young´s.

One thing that is good to note is that I no longer pray in English. It just feels weird to me now if I do not say it in 日本語. The Japanese people do a weird sort of kneel where they just kneel low sitting on their feet and they do it for hours. I have been trying to practice so I am able to do it when I get there. It hurts after 2 minutes and your feet go numb after about 5. I would encourage anyone who wants to try it to do so, it is...interesting and as soon as you get up you just feel all the blood rush into your feet and I think it is actually good for your circulation, if you have cold feet give it a try, but anyone with bad knees should not try this ever pretty much.

MTC food is a necessary evil. You must eat to survive, but I just feel so unhealthy and sick every meal. Mom, thank you so much for being the amazing cook you are! Seriously I hope every missionary has his bowells filled with mercy so that they do not have to be filled with the MTC Cafeteria food!

I hope youth conference went well Mom and Eliza! Eliza I hope Mom embarrassed you on the bus! Caroline I still have not heard from you..... William I trust you had an awesome time at Camp Steiner, it really is the best scout camp by far! Andrew, try not to get married while I am gone, Eliza, you too! Rebecca thank you for being the best at writing me! (favorite sister award) Dad thank you for your letter it helped quite a bit and I have not struggled with that near as much since that day. Eliza I am still waiting for those letters you said you would send me... Mimi and Papa I doubt William is doing the same quality job that I did, your clock on the DVD player may just have to be off for a few years. Abby, convert someone for me.  I love and miss you all!!! I hope you all have a wonderful week and write me soon!


Jonathan, Elder Pace

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